Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dream Theater Drum and Guitar Covers at Musar's Recital Competition 2013

Musar's Recital Competition is an annual event wherein several students get a chance to showcase the talent they have acquired from all the lessons in this music school.

During the said event, I was able to record the performances of two young and talented boys.  The first video is a drum cover for Dream Theater's "Build Me Up Break Me Down" from the album "A Dramatic Turn Of Events" which was performed by Marxsen Marshal Salada.  This was a shortened and simplified version for a 12 year old.

Drummer/Student: Marxsen Marshal Salada
Drums Instructor: Daryl Dizon/Davz Alunan
Lead Guitarist: David Rafael Alunan
Bassist: Rhoi Frigillana

This second video is a guitar cover of Dream Theater's "Lines In The Sand" from the album "Falling Into Infinity" which was also a shortened version.

Lead Guitarist/Student: Kurt Renzo Acosta
Guitar Instructor: Yam Dangla
Drummer: Jan Vincent Niñalga
Bassist: Rhoi Frigillana